Almo uses an out of process component called for communicating with Azure DevOPS Services. A failure to launch or communicate with this tool will prevent Almo from working properly. This post explains how you can quickly troubleshoot Almo and Azure DevOPS connectivity problems that might occur as a result. Use these steps in the following order

1. Verify Registry Entries are in place

Verify registry entries

Almo uses entries in registry to locate this critical dependency on the machine where it is installed. As the first step ensure the correct registry entries are in place. Start by reading our post Registry entries for Almo to connect to Azure DevOPS explains how to ensure these settings are present and fix them if they are not.

2. Verify the file exists on the disk

Verify the file exists on the disk

As the next step, ensure that the file actually exists. Once you have verified that the right registry settings are present on the machine, please ensure that the file actually exists on your machine. The default location for this component is

C:\Program Files (x86)\vi8\almo\vi8.Almo.AuthFixup.exe

3. Make sure you have permissions

Make sure you have permissions

Finally on some machines the group or local security policies might prohibit Almo to launch the AuthFixup tool when it runs from within Outlook. In addition they might prevent you from running this tool even outside of Almo. If this happens the error logs for Almo will note this exception. Thus if the registry entries are present and the file exists please check the error logs for any recorded errors and email us (preferably with the error logs attached) at [email protected] . We will get in touch with you to help resolve the problem. The location of the log files is


We do hope that our this post helps you quickly troubleshoot Almo and Azure DevOPS connectivity problems. However if you are still not able to get Almo to work properly, do email us at [email protected]. Our team would be in touch to help you resolve the problems you are facing.